rainwater harvesting psr

Rainwater Harvesting And Attenuation

Water is a precious resource. Recycling rainwater is a great way to reduce the operating costs of your business or home whilst simultaneously benefiting the environment.


PSR supply a full range of rain water harvesting options for domestic and commercial applications
Rainwater Harvesting systems are an ideal way to reduce the running costs of your home or business. By collecting rainwater, it is possible to redistribute the resource for use in the garden, home or business premises.
Harvested water can be used both commercially and domestically.

● Toilet flushing
● Washing machines
● Garden and plant irrigation
● Washing cars or vehicles
● Cleaning yards


Rainwater is collected from the roof then filtered. UK homes using some form of rainwater harvesting system can reduce their mains water usage by 50% or more. We offer a full range of commercial and domestic rainwater harvesters ranging from 1000 – 40,000-litre capacity harvesting units.

● Can reduce water mains water usage by up to 50%
● Sustainable home code – Harvesting water raises the score of a newly designed home
● Helps with planning consent
● Self-funding over time
● Back-up water supply should your mains service be interrupted

Environmentally focused, sustainable solutions

PSR Environmental specialise in all types of water management, attenuation and storage. We also offer compliant storage solutions for oil and HVO.

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